Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint

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Treatment of hip arthrosis with stem cells in Kiev.  

For a long time, treatment of hip osteoarthritis was based on ineffective therapeutic procedures and surgeries. But modern technologies do not stand still. The effectiveness of stem cell treatment has been proven in most medical fields.

Лечение артроза стволовыми клетками фото
Stem cell culturing stage of the patient’s stem cells in our biotech lab environment

Indications for stem cell treatment of osteoarthritis

  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Restricted movement of the joint
  • Persistent pain syndrome
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

What is osteoarthritis?

 Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joint, which is accompanied by destruction and abrasion of the cartilage surface. As we know, cartilage is the biological lining between the bones. The joint works as a hinge when bending and extending the limbs. The cartilage prevents the bones from touching each other during movement.

In osteoarthritis, the hip and knee joints are affected. In most cases, the disease progresses in people after the age of 65. Pathology is often manifested in athletes with loads on the hip, knee and ankle joints. The hip joints are most commonly affected.

Артрит тазобедренного сустава Рисунок

What does osteoarthritis of the hip joint manifest itself as?

First, pain. The patient experiences painful sensations when moving the leg, walking and even lying down. Chronic pain syndrome is the most common complaint of patients.

Secondly, physical activity restrictions. The degree of restriction of movement depends on the severity of the disease. In the best case, it is painful and inability to walk for a long time. In the worst cases, osteoarthritis leads to disability.

One of the radical solutions to this problem is hip replacement surgery. This is a complex, expensive intervention with a long rehabilitation period and certain risks.

In world medical practice, an alternative method of treatment has already been recognized and widely used. This is the treatment of osteoarthritis with stem cells. These cells are the building material for the restoration of the affected cartilage tissue.

Benefits of stem cell treatment

  • Effective and minimally traumatic procedure
  • Alternative to surgical treatment
  • Longevity of effect after treatment ( from 1 to 5 years)
  • Minimal risk of complications
  • Suitable for patients of all ages
  • Low cost compared to surgery
Результат лечения артрита Фото
Patient demonstrates recovery of lost function of leg motion in the hip region

      In the photo you can see a patient who left a review about hip arthritis treatment two months after treatment. The man had been suffering from arthritis of the hip joint for 5 years. The result BEFORE and AFTER the stem cell treatment is obvious. The patient can easily lift and move his left leg. He reported that for the past two years he “Couldn’t do it, but now he can”.

Why do we use stem cells specifically?

  • Stem cells (SCs) are the ideal building block of our body. No drug, even the newest one, can compare to our own SCs.
  • Our stem cells match us 100% and give the same excellent treatment result.
  • No donation is required for SC isolation. The graft is taken from the patient’s adipose tissue or bone marrow.
Стволовые клетки из собственного жира
Stromal-vascular fraction from adipose tissue

Stem cell treatment: the essence of the procedure

The isolation, preparation and utilization of stem cells is quite a complex and time-consuming process. To make you confident about the procedure, we will explain the treatment in simple words.

  1.       The patient is first examined. The doctor will take a medical history and prescribe the necessary tests and examinations (if required). This is necessary to assess the patient’s condition and the extent of the disease.
  2.      Then a team of specialists performs a technique to take your own stem cells. They are most often taken under local anesthesia from fat tissue or bone marrow.
  3. The cells are first transported to our certified laboratory (Genome Biotechnology Company) for multiplication and scaling. After multiplication and scaling up, they are returned to the Coolaser Clinic for further injection.
  4.      At the end, on the appointed day, the doctor injects stem cells into the diseased joint.

Interesting facts!

Cell therapy or stem cell therapy is a fairly new method. But already in 2016 this method was approved by leading experts in Europe for use in orthopedics.

  •       Average improvement rate – 85% of the time, the patient regains quality of life without pain or limitations.
  •       Stem cells have unique functions that no other cells in the body have! They are able to integrate into the tissues of a diseased organ and renew its structure.
  •       Stem cells have a high capacity for regeneration, that is, rapid tissue repair.

Treatment duration: about 30 minutes

Result in figures:

1 week – in most cases the pain syndrome decreases

1 month – activity returns

Longevity of effect:  6 months to 5 years

How much does stem cell treatment for osteoarthritis cost.

The price of stem cell treatment: depends on the starting material and the extent of the disease.

Контроль клеточной культуры фото
Visual control of the patient’s cell culture growth in our laboratory under the direction of Dr. Andrey Olegovich Kovalchuk.

The cost of treatment of osteoarthritis with cultured stem cells – from 15000 to 30000 UAH . The number of cells (dose of cell preparation) – 50 – 100 million mesenchymal stem cells.

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         Stem Cell Therapy completely restores hip function, returning you to your normal life. Pictured below: A Coolaser Clinic patient thanks his attending physician – candidate of medical sciences Kovalchuk Andrey Olegovich for successful stem cell therapy of the hip joint.

    Отзыв о лечении артрита Фото
    A patient of the clinic thanks Dr. Kovalchuk A.O. for successful treatment of hip arthrosis


    •      Treatment of hip osteoarthritis with stem cells has practically no contraindications. Thanks to this, 78% of patients suffering from painfulness of this joint can be cured without surgery.

       Please note! Individual contraindications are possible (rare). We ask you to consult a specialist before starting treatment. An experienced physician will collect an anamnesis and identify the presence or absence of contraindications.

          Coolaser Clinic in the center of Kiev on Pechersk will be your guide to the world of beauty and health.

       Treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint with stem cells in Kiev is an innovative approach to recovery and the future, which you can take advantage of right now

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    Specialists in the procedure

    Ковальчук Андрей Олегович фото

    Kovalchuk Andrey

    Associate Professor, surgeon, biotechnologist


    Shmigol Igor Anatolyevich

    Orthopedic surgeon, traumatologist

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    Make an appointment for a consultation

    We recommend that you consult with our doctor before making an appointment for the procedure